Use, Maintenance, Conservation, Shipment & Storage

Hoses have a certain life-time. Users must necessarily choose the hose that suits best to the work to be carried out. In case the work to be carried out brings about risks, users must use a hose of a nature enabling elimination of all possible risks.

Particularly, users must pay ultimate attention to opted hose in case of high operating pressures. Hoses must not be used for any purpose other than those that are met for design specifications. The hose must be used in such a way that there should be no sharp bending.

Hoses must not be used under such pressures higher than operation pressures specified in their design characteristics. During hose use, there must be no sudden pressure increase, however, the pressure must be increased gradually. Hoses must not be kinked, and forced by associated apparatuses and devices during use. When carrying big-size heavy hoses, attention must be paid for proper carriage by using hangers or carriage equipment’s. Particularly, in A/V heavy duty hoses, proper supporting apparatuses must be used.

During storage, hoses may negatively be affected from ozone, sunlight, oils solvents, smoke corrosive liquids, insects, rodents and radioactive materials. Proper storage for hoses. If hoses are bundles must not be stowed vertically but horizontally. Generally, wire braided and heavy hoses should be placed at the bottom while light hoses should be superposed.

If possible, hoses must be stored in their original packaging. If hoses are store in cases, wood or cardboard cases should preferred. Ideal storage temperature is 10-20 °C. Avoid storing at temperature higher than 38 °C.

Unless otherwise specified in their design, hoses harden under 0 °C. Therefore, they must be restoring temperature range, if possible, before use. Hoses must be kept away from heat sources (radiator, stove, etc.) and hot surfaces. They must not be stored at such environment’s with high and low humidity conditions. Hoses are negatively affected from conditions of high ozone concentration. They must be protected from direct or reflecting sunlight. Lights emitted by florescent and mercury lamps have detrimental effects on unpackaged hoses. Storage area should be relatively cool and dark, and free from mold and humidity. When using hoses, FIFO (First In, First Out) principle should be preferred from moving out of storage area. If foregoing instructions are observed, the life of hose will be prolonged.